For oncology professionals ...
Cancer Coaching
Filling a gap in supportive & integrative cancer care.

The Next Level of Cancer Care is Here!
Cancer coaching helps people develop and strengthen their self-management skills so they are better able to cope, manage, recover, and thrive. Self-management skills are key to setting goals, achieving them, and sustaining them for the long term.​
Cancer coaches work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness.
Cancer coaches support clients in mobilizing internal strengths and external resources and developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle and behavioral changes.
Cancer coaches do not diagnose conditions, prescribe treatments, or provide psychological therapeutic interventions.
As partners and facilitators, cancer coaches support their clients in achieving health goals and behavioral changes based on their client's goals and consistent with treatment plans prescribed by individual clients' professional healthcare providers.
Cancer coaches assist clients in using their insight, personal strengths and resources, goal setting, action steps, and accountability toward healthy lifestyle changes.
The Proven Impact of Cancer Coaching
My Best Life Coaching is built on a foundation of positive psychology and mindfulness principles and practices. Developing and strengthening self-management skills is a core focus of coaching.
From a chronic disease perspective, self-management is a process in which individuals learn and utilize skills to actively cope with their illness and its impact on their daily lives.
Self-management skills include values setting, emotional intelligence, acceptance, strengths, resilience, relationships, motivation, goal setting, mindfulness, stress management, communication, problem-solving, accountability, and adaptability.
The research has proven that strong self-management skills are related to a number of positive outcomes:
reduced psychological distress
reduced severity of symptoms
fewer hospitalizations
enhanced response to treatment
less financial burden for both the patient and the treatment center
lower recurrence and mortality rates
improved quality of life
improved physical functioning
improved management of their long-term side effects
better relationships and support systems
less depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts